Passion It brought us to dedicate our lives to music since childhood. This passion has enriched our valorization of the broad range of classical music scores which we grew up with. Having thousands of scores that range between the old and modern becomes unmanageable and brings you to a continuous search for the ‘introuvable’. From this we gained an understanding that manually we could not manage and it was time to find a solution. It was essential to classify everything chronologically so it could be immediately assessable. What was the best way? With the expansion of our archive on a daily basis, the idea of making a globally shared library formed the foundation for Organ Rare Scores’ site.

The Archive Having the ability to quickly attain what was unattainable elsewhere was emerging as our main idea. The network would enable people to download what they wanted, save it, and easily access it when they desired. Consequently this would be much easier than any other tool. The strength of a giant archive, complete and always updated, would allow musicians and music lovers’ access to various musical documents. The power of digitalization costs less than any alternative method however is an expense in updating and preserving. According to this philosophy we tried to decrease all general expenses without renouncing the quality, thus maintaining customer satisfaction.

Organrarescores The dream became reality. With suggestions from musicians and musical experts, we organized our ideas and gave life to our vision. The result concretizes when you surf our catalogue: a giant database that is continually active and growing moved by the love for music. This archive becomes richer and more significant with every approaching day. By enabling access to musical masterpieces and treasures at the lowest possible price, digitalization benefits everyone.